Are Dogs Better Than Cats
Do you want to waste your money?
Do you think cats are better than dogs
I think that cats are WAY better than dogs because they STINK and They bark, you also have to brush their fur and clean them.
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Dogs are so attention seeking that they need all the love and they want to play all the time and it's really annoying. Like for example they need, A food bowl,
Toys, Beds, Love, Attention, A brush, They need to go on walks, They need to be bathed, their poop needs to be picked up.
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Cats are way better than dogs because cats u don’t have to take out on walks, u dont have to clean up after them and all they need is toys and some love and that's all. But then dogs u have to do all of this stuff for them, dogs sleep in your bed cats are usually outside the entire time.
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Dogs run away and they never come back but cats are so smart that they leave the house and they come back. I have cats as well and they are so calm, there so quit, they only meow when there hungry, dogs bark when they hear a noise, they jump around, they also want to play all the time and they wake you up really early in the morning.
So now u know that cats are better than dogs because
Dogs are more attention seeking, Dogs poop more and u have to clean it up, Dogs can kill people.